Canvas has a pretty good guide on this built in.
Why use Canvas for communication?
GMU put together a thorough guide on what to watch out for in your migrated course.
After you decide on the weighting for your course grade, you can set up Assignment Groups accordingly
(Note that within the assignment groups, assignments are weighted proportionally to their point value.)
This information then appears on the Assignments page and the Syllabus page.
(because remember these are all linked up)
Canvas “Assignments” include
This seems annoying probably, but here are the good things:
A lot of us probably have “assignments” that would not actually be submitted on Canvas.
When you create an Assignment, you can select how students should submit:
Select how the students submit:
Note that even if you select multiple submission types, students can only submit one way; they can’t, for example, have a media recording and a file upload in their submission. :(
Media Recording submissions are nice because you can view the submissions in-browser, without downloading files.
You can also request media files as File Uploads, but you will have to download the files to access them.
You can select Turnitin plagiarism detection for assignments that are submitted online that are text entries or file uploads.
After you save an Assignment, you can add a rubric, either new or one that you already made.
Modules are where you can mix together your Assignments and other material (readings, videos, etc.)
Here, I’ve put readings at the leftmost indentation level; assignments related to those readings are indented by 1 level to show that “this reading → this assignment”
All linked under “Help” in left green sidebar